MTVH Energy Saving Project
What are the steps to making my home more energy saving?
These are the steps that we will take with you to ensure that any required energy saving measures are installed and you can start to get the benefit of this as soon as possible.
Step One
We need your acceptance that you are happy to progress with a Retrofit Assessment and Technical Survey of your home.
You can do this now by clicking here and completing our Acceptance Form.

Step Two
Happy Energy will contact you to arrange the Retrofit Assessment of your home - an adult member of the household will need to be present so that we can discuss your needs.
Step Three
If energy efficiency measures are identified, your Installation Contractor will undertake a Technical Survey of your home to ensure that the recommended works can be installed - an adult member of the household will need to be present.
The installer will discuss what the works will involve.
If your home does not require any measures you will receive a copy of your updated Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)

Step Four
Happy Energy will contact you to discuss the findings of the visits; the recommended energy efficiency measures; what the installation will involve; what we may need you to do; to answer any questions you may have and to get your acceptance to proceed.
Step Five
Your energy efficiency measures will be installed at your home by one of Happy Energy's Approved Contractors.
Happy Energy will check the works and ask for your feedback.

Step Six
You start to benefit from a decrease in energy usage (subject to no additional energy requirements), your home generates less carbon and is more energy efficient